Oregon State University (OSU) issues a timely warning whenever: (1) a crime specified under the Jeanne Clery Act (Clery Act) is reported to the Oregon State University Department of Public Safety (DPS), a campus security authority (CSA), or OSU is informed by law enforcement; (2) there is a serious or ongoing threat to students and employees because of the crime and (3) the crime occurred at a reportable location defined by the Clery Act.
OSU may also send additional safety notifications not required by the Clery Act to increase safety and awareness for the OSU community.
Reportable locations defined by the Clery Act include, but are not limited to, the Corvallis campus, Cascade campus, Hatfield Marine Science Center, OSU Portland Center, OSU at Eastern Oregon University, areas adjacent to OSU campus properties, non-campus property owned or controlled by OSU or OSU recognized student organizations, and certain other areas covered by the Clery Act.
A crisis is defined as an event or situation that:
To facilitate a timely communication response, the Vice President for University Relations and Marketing (URM) (or their delegate) is authorized to mobilize the Crisis Communication Plan (CCP) in consultation with the university’s Immediate Response Group (IRG). The IRG is staffed by the chief assistant to the OSU president and includes:
VP for URM also informs university leaders dependent upon the crisis occurring, including, but not limited to the following:
In the absence of the VP for URM, the delegated authority hierarchy is:
OSU’s president and IRG members must be fully apprised of the plan throughout the crisis and clearly informed of identified communication strategies and messaging. When developing campus-wide crisis communications, OSU may activate the Crisis Communication Team to assist in development of the message. The team typically consists of designated representatives from:
Certain crises may require the authorization or guidance of agencies and organizations outside of OSU prior to initiating any communications. These may include the Corvallis Police Department, Corvallis Fire Department, Benton County Sherriff’s Office or Health Department and other agencies.
Some crises may require the involvement of other OSU units and communications professionals on campus as determined by the vice president for URM. The vice president will designate a project team to coordinate with others on and off campus, guided by the communication matrix (See Crisis Communication Contact Matrix, Appendix A).
In the event of a major crisis or emergency (e.g. earthquake, rampant infectious disease outbreak, catastrophic building loss, etc.), the OSU Emergency Operation Center (EOC) may be activated. When the EOC is activated, information management will be necessary to support a unified campus communication effort. Under the leadership of URM, campus communication experts may be asked to work from a common location, typically called a Joint Information Center (JIC). By co-locating communication expertise and resources, efficiency, accuracy, and message consistency over a longer timeframe can be achieved.
Once the need for crisis communications has been identified, target audiences and appropriate methods of communication will be determined and compliance with the Clery Act, HIPAA, and FERPA will be ensured. These steps may include some or all of the following actions:
This plan will be updated and revised on an annual basis or after a major incident or training exercise.
This plan is located on the university website at https://communications.oregonstate.edu/crisis, and notification sent to key personnel regarding updates
OSU has additional crisis response and crisis communication plans specific to unique crisis situations. The Corvallis Campus Crisis Communication Plan is created with sufficient flexibility to address communications functions articulated in these plans. Other OSU plans include, but are not limited to: