The 25 Year Club was founded in 1967 by OSU President James J. Jensen to honor those who have provided 25 years of employment service to Oregon State University.

The first 25 Year Club gathering was held on May 17, 1967 in the Memorial Union Ballroom. Strawberry shortcake was served with coffee and tea. The contribution of time and energy represented by the 235 charter members' service was duly recognized and sincerely appreciated.

While there have been a few changes along the way, the 25 Year Club still recognizes 25 years of service by our faculty and staff. With the 2003 arrival of President Edward J. Ray, we now acknowledge service at 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 years as well.

25 Year Club Dinner
Tuesday, May 21
CH2M HILL Alumni Center Ballroom
5 p.m. Social
6 p.m. Dinner and program
The individuals listed below reached their service milestones (25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50) years at Oregon State between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

Oregon State University asks departments and units to show their appreciation to faculty and staff for continuous years of dedicated University service. Learn more about how we conduct service recognition at OSU. A related memo to HR representatives can be found here.

35 years

Peter Clark
Title: University Distinguished Professor
College/Department: College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
Gaylon DeGeer
Title: Operations Systems-Network Analyst
College/Department: Information Services UIT

I started working full time at OSU in 1989 repairing and upgrading computers. Worked for several different parts of Information Services over the years. Was part of the Net group was involved in deploying Novell Netware later working with Microsoft products. Provided backup services for several departments on campus. Along with offering Vmware virtual machine and capacity storage. Maintaining racks of equipment in several data centers across campus.


Adel Faridani
Title: Professor
College/Department: Mathematics

Adel Faridani arrived from Germany  in 1989 for a one-year post-doc in Applied Mathematics. This turned into rewarding and enjoyable decades of research, teaching and advising here at OSU. He is now looking forward to a new phase of life after his upcoming retirement in June. 

Daniel Harlan
Title: Officer - Radiation Safety
College/Department: Environmental Health & Safety
Myrna Munar
Title: Associate Professor
College/Department: College of Pharmacy

A career highlight was the OSU College of Pharmacy vaccination effort during the COVID-19 pandemic. The first COVID-19 vaccination clinic took place at OHSU on December 16th, 2020 when the first vaccines arrived in Oregon. Sixteen PharmD students and 8 pharmacy CoP faculty were main immunizers at these clinics (peak 1000 vaccines/day). Our volunteer effort transitioned to the Oregon Convention Center where PharmD students and CoP faculty joined healthcare volunteers to prepare and administer COVID-19 vaccines to the public (8000 vaccines/day). These efforts led to Oregon being one of the states with the fewest reported COVID-19 infections and deaths.

Steve Pilkerton
Title: Manager, Student Logging Training Program
College/Department: Forest Engineering, Resources, and Management Department

Steve started as a Forest Engineering FRA, researching Optimal Log Bucking (value maximization) and other forest management and harvesting issues. Contributions expanded to Undergraduate Instruction, Extension, and Outreach with increased Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Experience (KSAE), earning "Stealth Faculty" nickname. Additional interim assignments as Student Logging Training Program (SLTP) Manager and harvest planning for OSU Research Forests. Application of high strength synthetic ropes to replace steel wire rope in harvest operations improving worker ergonomics/safety is another research highlight. Currently sharing accumulated KSAEs with future Foresters and Forest Engineers as SLTP Manager.  

Dina Pope
Title: Office Manager, Assistant to the Director
College/Department: Radiation Center

During my time as an OSU employee I worked for two departments, Extension Service and the Radiation Center. As an administrative assistant I was able to learn many administrative tasks and worked through many new university management systems. But the highlight would be all of the wonderful people I got to work with and know over the years.

Andrew Ross
Title: Senior Research Assistant
College/Department: College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences

Andy is an analytical chemist who has spent most of his 35 years at OSU as a Research Assistant in Oceanography. A good portion of his first 15 years involved going to sea on research ships in the Pacific, Atlantic and Polar Regions. Following a two-year stint working in Crop and Soil Science, he’s now happily lab bound at the CEOAS Stable Isotope Lab.

Clark Seavert
Title: Professor
College/Department: Applied Economics

Clark joined Oregon State University in January 1989 as an Area Extension Farm Management Agent in the Mid-Columbia region of Oregon. Between 1999 and 2009, he held two administrative appointments as Superintendent and Staff Chair at research and Extension centers in Hood River and Aurora. From 2010 to 2021, his responsibilities were research, teaching, and extension activities on the main campus. Since 2022, he has focused on applied research projects in hemp production and climate-smart practices in high-value crops.

Fields: AgBiz Logic, financial management, capital investment analysis, enterprise budgets, crop & livestock leasing.