Payroll contributions
OSU employees are able to make a recurring, monthly contribution to Linn Benton Food Share through their OSU paycheck. The forms below are for those making a continuing commitment to Linn Benton Food Share and should not be used for a one-time contribution.
Cash and check donations
Money may be given in the form of cash or check to the competing unit's coordinator. Checks should be made payable to Linn Benton Food Share or LBFS. Tax receipts are available by contacting Teri Braun. Linn Benton Food Share will also send a receipt to donors listed on a donation ledger when it is indicated a receipt is requested.
The unit coordinator will deposit funds at the Cashier's Office.
Bring two copies of the donations ledger.
Place the deposit and one copy of the ledger into a clear deposit bag. University Events has deposit bags available upon request, and the cashiers office may have some, as well.
Give the sealed deposit bag and the loose donation ledger to the Cashier's Office or put it in the drop box.