Healthy System Transformation: Becoming the Healthiest Nation
Julie Gerberding
7 p.m. April 3, 2013
LaSells Stewart Center, Austin Auditorium
875 SW 26th Street, Corvallis Oregon 97331
Americans spend more on health care than any other nation, but we are far from the healthiest. The former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and current president of MERCK's vaccine division, Dr. Gerberding champions private-public partnerships to improve health and lower care costs. She shares her experiences and successes and offers compelling strategies to put health at the center of the policy debate.
See the schedule on the left for additional events during Dr. Gerberding's visit.
Read Dr. Gerberding's Bio (Word doc)
Read more about Dr. Gerberding's other areas of interest (Word doc)
For more information or accommodations for disabilities, contact University Events at 541-737-0724.
This event is made possible thanks to support from the Oregon State University Division of Health Sciences, the Office of the Provost and the Research Office.
April 3
Noon Lunch with Faculty
By Invitation Only
Linus Pauling Science Center, Room 400
2 - 4 p.m. Forum with Graduate and Professional Students
Native American Longhouse, Gathering Hall
7 p.m. Lecture
Free, and open to the public
LaSells Stewart Center, Austin Auditorium
April 4
8:30 a.m. Q&A with Undergraduate Students
View the publicity poster (PDF)
Read the press release