Monday, October 1, 2018

 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Memorial Union Quad, Oregon State University, Corvallis Campus

Before 1862, higher education was a privilege for the wealthy, patterned after the European class system. A college education was generally available if you were wealthy, white, and male. You would study Latin, literature, law, or the classics at a private school. Education of the working class was left to guilds, where tradesmen instructed apprentices, or to seminaries, where clergymen taught religious novices. In the young United States, a few well-educated planters studied scientific agriculture, but generally it was the pioneering yeoman farmers who tilled the soil in the same way their grandfathers had back in the old country.

During this kickoff you will learn about the three-part mission of learning, discovery, and engagement, and why being a land-grant university gives our work a sense of purpose and makes a meaningful contribution to society.

For event questions or accommodation requests, please contact Shelly Signs, (541) 737-0724 or

See exhibits from:

  • OSU Extension
  • Moore Family Center - try out a new way to grind grain!
  • TEAM Oregon - learn about motorcycle safety training.
  • College of Education
  • Master Naturalist Program
  • Bee Research Program
  • Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
  • Did you know that OSU has helped sustain 150 species?