OSU 150

A Total Eclipse Experience | August 19-21, 2017

Oregon State University's three campuses are within or just outside the "path of totality" for the Total Solar Eclipse, where the sky darkened about 10:17 a.m. as the moon completely blocks the sun. We were honored to host an estimated 8,000 guests to our campuses for the eclipse and the events leading up to it, and we thank all of you who participated. 

Didn't take eclipse photos? Get one from a professional
Professional images from Bacerra Photography captured on the OSU Corvallis campus during the brief period of totality are now available to commemorate this rare event. Click here to view or buy OSU eclipse photos.

OSU150 Space Grant Festival: A Total Eclipse Experience (Corvallis) 
Thousands of people joined us in Corvallis for a family-friendly festival with exhibits, talks, fun activities and entertainment. From rockets, robots and meteorites to music concerts, art and a movie, there was something of interest for all ages. All events except concerts were free and open to the public, with plenty of free parking. About 1,800 guests who purchased a Lodging Package stayed in OSU residential halls for the weekend, and thousands of other visitors attended the free Eclipse Viewing Party on Monday, Aug. 21  See full schedule of activities 

On-campus lodging and family campout (OSU Cascades) 
OSU Cascades in Central Oregon invited families to a campout in Culver to experience totality in one of the country's best viewing spots. The university also offered on-campus housing in Bend as part of the Eclipse Experience event, a two-day family celebration of the eclipse featuring educational events with OSU-Cascades' and other experts, learning activities and fun.

Hatfield Marine Science Center (Newport)
Prior to the eclipse, OSU's Hatfield Marine Science Center featured free eclipse presentations on Aug. 18 and 20 and distributed thousands of free solar eclipse glasses at its Visitors Center.   

For questions or feedback about these events, please send an email to [email protected].

Visitors listened, watched and participated

On Saturday, Aug. 19 and Sunday, Aug. 20, visitors enjoyed hands-on activities, interactive workshops, informative talks, exhibits, art and crafts, an outdoor movie, concerts and more.  

Experiencing the eclipse

On Monday, Aug. 21, thousands of guests from around the world watched the eclipse from OSU'c Corvallis campus at Student Legacy Park. Corvallis was in the path of totality, where the sky darkened for about 1 minute, 39 seconds, starting just before 10:17 a.m.

For questions or feedback about the Corvallis event, please send an email to [email protected].


This event is part of OSU150, a celebration of Oregon State University's 150th Anniversary, and marks the culmination of SPARK, a year of celebrating the convergence of arts and science.

Learn more at OSU150.org and spark.oregonstate.edu.
SPARK: Arts + Science @ OSU 2016-2017