Office of the Vice President

Office of the Vice President

Oversees the university’s primary communications and marketing departments. The vice president also serves as a liaison with the OSU Foundation and its Board of Governors and Trustees, as well as with the OSU Alumni Association Board of Directors.

News and Research Communications

Media Relations

Identifies news and produces stories about Oregon State University research, people and programs for local, national and international media. 

Oregon State Productions

OSU Today

Your daily news source about all things Oregon State. OSU Today is published by University Relations and Marketing and is the university’s primary internal communications publication.

Trademark Licensing

Trademark Licensing

Builds brand awareness and protects the use of Oregon State University’s name and logos. We work with university departments, student organizations and the retail market to license university marks for a wide variety of products.

University Marketing

Marketing Services & Solutions

University Marketing, Printing and Mailing, University Events, Conference Services and The LaSells Stewart Center, the Marketing Services and Solutions team is ready to promote Oregon State University and meet the needs of your college or department.