Science Pub Corvallis offers thought-provoking presentations along with good food and drink in an informal atmosphere. Interact with experts, ask silly questions and leave feeling more nourished and knowledgeable. No scientific background is required – just bring your curiosity, sense of humor and appetite! 


Thank you for another wonderful season of Science Pub!  Check back closer to the start of Fall Term for upcoming presentations, and make sure to check out the recordings and podcasts for archived presentations.



Sponsors of the OSU Science Pub include OSU, Old World Deli and the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry.

  Podcasts of previous Corvallis Science Pub events on topics such as “Technology in the Fields” and “From Wolves to the Warning to Humanity: Facing the Environmental Crisis through Science” are available.

  For accommodations for disabilities or questions, contact University Events at 541-737-4717 or [email protected].

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